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100% of our donations will always go towards the cause!

Ramadan Grand launch

As we bid farewell to Ramadan, we reflect on a month that held profound significance for us at Amity Global Foundation. This year’s Ramadan journey was particularly special, marked by a monumental event that resonated deeply with our mission and values. Last Ramadan, we began the Amity Global Foundation, and this Ramadan, we marked a significant milestone with our inaugural grand launch and first mega fundraising event called “Ramadan Event for Palestine”. The anticipation leading up to our grand launch was palpable, with tickets selling out days in advance. As attendees flooded our venue, excitement and energy filled the air, setting the stage for an unforgettable evening. One of the highlights of our event was the dedicated kids’ hall, a testament to our commitment to inclusivity and family values. Here, our youngest guests enjoyed age-appropriate entertainment, including a special guest appearance by the talented nasheed artist Ilyas Mao and indulged in delicious, kid-friendly meals.
Behind the scenes, our dedicated volunteers ensured that every child experienced moments of joy and wonder. This feature was not merely an afterthought but a cornerstone of our event, reflecting our understanding of the importance of providing a safe and engaging environment for families. As parents ourselves, we recognize the significance of allowing parents to focus on essential projects and prayers, secure in the knowledge that their children are well-cared for. Moreover, our grand launch was adorned with additional delights for our guests. The ambiance was enriched by the scents of Tajara Fragrances, while our minds were enlightened by Dr. Zaidi’s profound insights from his book, “The Divine in Critical Minds.”
The excitement reached new heights with silent and live auctions, graciously hosted by Naoma Arts and Behind my art, adding a layer of anticipation and thrill to the evening. We were deeply honoured to have Shaykh Alaa Elsayed grace our event, inspiring us with his presence and an empowering fundraising event. The pinnacle of the night came with a truly unforgettable moment: witnessing a brother take shahada on our stage, symbolizing the unity and spirit of our community.
As our guests broke their fasts with us, they embarked on a journey through our past successes and future aspirations. From our impactful projects in Canada, with a special focus on Indigenous communities, to our collaborations on the international stage, the evening was a testament to the collective impact we can achieve when we come together. In closing, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who supported us on this journey. Your unwavering confidence in our vision fuels our determination to continue serving those in need. Together, let us forge ahead, inspired by the spirit of Ramadan, and dedicated to making a meaningful difference in the world.
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