100% of our donations will always go towards the cause!
100% of our donations will always go towards the cause!

About Us

Amity Global Foundation


Serving humanity and enabling communities to achieve their greatest potential.

Amity Global Foundation

Our Mission

To enable community building by strategically partnering with local charities that are already doing great work and helping them reach new heights. By identifying key gaps and working together to fill these gaps, Amity strives to be a leader in making real change in our communities.

What Make's Us Unique

We Connect

We Educate

We Help

We Build

We Donate

Education initiatives

Why Should You Consider Amity Global Foundation (AFG)?

Amity Global Foundation (AGF) embodies the power to transform lives by making a tangible impact on our world. We have many initiatives that help us in achieving this goal. These initiatives include but are not limited to the areas of education, healthcare, environmental sustainability, and ending world hunger. We strive to help local communities as well as plan to expand our efforts on a more global scale. Consider using AGF to make sure that your donation reaches the right organizations swiftly and safely. Stand with us on this journey of uplifting our communities!

Our Team

Amity Global Foundation

Maariyah Baig

Maariyah Baig is one of the members of the Board of Directors at Amity/AGF. She is currently serving as the charity’s President. When she’s not volunteering for Amity, she’s busy as a mom, writer, student and lawyer.

Saad Hasnain

Saad Hasnain is Chief Operating Officer (COO) at Amity/AGF.

Amity Global Foundation

Our Statement

To achieve our vision, we want to support as many local, national, and international charities as possible. It is our vision to partner with as many Canadian charities that are already doing great work and help them reach new heights. We are looking forward to long-term partnerships with international charities to either support their existing projects or to start new ones including clean drinking water, schools, hospitals, foodbanks, orphanages, etc.

Our Statement

To achieve our vision, we want to support as many local, national, and international charities as possible. It is our vision to partner with as many Canadian charities that are already doing great work and help them reach new heights. We are looking forward to long-term partnerships with international charities to either support their existing projects or to start new ones including clean drinking water, schools, hospitals, foodbanks, orphanages, etc.

Amity Global Foundation

Story Of Amity

In the heart of Canada, a group of compassionate individuals felt a call to action. Witnessing both local and international communities grappling with suffering and hardship, they knew they couldn’t stand idly by. Thus, in Ramadan 2023, Amity was born—a beacon of hope and aid, with roots firmly planted in Canadian soil yet aspirations reaching far beyond borders.

At Amity, we believe in the power of collective action. While we may not be able to help everyone, we firmly stand by the belief that everyone can help someone. This guiding principle fuels our mission to alleviate suffering and bring about positive change wherever it’s needed most.

Our approach is dynamic and adaptive. In some locations, we establish our own dedicated teams, equipped and empowered to directly address the needs of the community. In others, we work hand-in-hand with local organizations and on-the-ground teams, collaborating closely to extend our reach and impact.

Transparency and integrity are at the core of everything we do. We’re committed to ensuring that 100% of the proceeds from your generous donations go directly to those in need. Your contribution becomes a lifeline, passing from your hand to the needy hand through Amity’s trusted channels.

To uphold our commitment to transparency, our dedicated team members are compensated directly by the board of directors. This ensures that your donation is never diverted for reasons other than its intended purpose—to make a tangible difference in the lives of those facing adversity.

At Amity, we’re more than just an organization—we’re a movement fueled by compassion, driven by action, and united in the pursuit of a better world for all. Join us on this journey of hope, healing, and humanity.


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