100% of our donations will always go towards the cause!
100% of our donations will always go towards the cause!

Lve Pakistan

Amity's Projects

Welcome to the heart of Amity’s transformative journey. Here’s a glimpse into the future where charity isn’t just a handout—it’s a catalyst for lasting change.

Through our visionary projects, we empower communities, make them self-sustaining, and then we gracefully step aside.

From providing clean water with cutting-edge RO plants to combating food insecurity through innovative food rescue programs, we’re reshaping the landscape of philanthropy.

Collaborating with local charities amplifies our impact, fostering sustainability and community empowerment.

Scroll through our projects and click below to learn more about them.

Donate now to be a part of a future, where every individual has the opportunity to flourish.

Join HungerRelief today and help secure a brighter future for those in need, combating hunger for less than $2 a day.

Join HungerRelief today and help secure a brighter future for those in need, combating hunger for less than $2 a day.


Amity Global Foundation stands out among global organizations dedicated to societal change. What sets us apart is our unique methodology. Unlike conventional approaches, we begin by envisioning our end goal.

At Amity Global Foundation, we have no intention of existing in the future!

But what does this mean for us going forward?

It means we are dedicated to empowering communities to become self-sustaining and then gracefully exiting. Each project we undertake is aligned with this mission of fostering self-sufficiency. Our goal is for these communities to thrive independently, so existing charities no longer need to support them.

“Amity’s vision is not to exist in the future—because if we don’t exist, it means we’ve done our job really well.” — Saad Hasnain, COO of Amity Global Foundation.

Discover more by clicking the ‘Read More’ button below and explore our three-phase blueprint for building self-sustaining communities.


Amity Global Foundation collaborates with local charities, leveraging their expertise, resources, and networks to amplify impact and create positive change. Through strategic partnerships, Amity extends its reach beyond core initiatives, fostering sustainability and community empowerment.

Join HungerRelief today and help secure a brighter future for those in need, combating hunger for less than $2 a day.

Join HungerRelief today and help secure a brighter future for those in need, combating hunger for less than $2 a day.


In response to the global challenges exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, including rising inflation and increased food costs, Amity has stepped forward with a visionary solution. Our mission? To combat food insecurity head-on by establishing a multifaceted food distribution center and food rescue program. Curious about our step-by-step process and how we’re making a tangible impact? Click below to uncover the details.

Water Treatment Solution

Embark on a journey of global impact with Amity. Our mission is clear: to provide clean, fresh, and accessible water to communities worldwide. Thanks to the generosity of our board of directors, we’ve acquired cutting-edge RO water plants. Now, we’re on a mission to install these plants in communities across the globe. Join us as we pave the way for a future where clean water is a reality for all. Dive deeper into our initiative by clicking below.

Join HungerRelief today and help secure a brighter future for those in need, combating hunger for less than $2 a day.

Amity Global Foundation

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam iaculis sem ac libero tincidunt egestas. Praesent viverra justo fermentum, scelerisque enim eget, dignissim risus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam iaculis sem ac libero tincidunt egestas. Praesent viverra justo fermentum, scelerisque enim eget, dignissim risus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam iaculis sem ac libero tincidunt egestas. Praesent viverra justo fermentum, scelerisque enim eget, dignissim risus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam iaculis sem ac libero tincidunt egestas. Praesent viverra justo fermentum, scelerisque enim eget, dignissim risus.

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