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100% of our donations will always go towards the cause!

Amity Global Foundation's Pakistan Water Project

In 2023, Amity Global Foundation reached a significant milestone with your unwavering support: achieving our fundraising goal of $5000. This marks our largest project yet in Pakistan, advancing our ongoing mission to deliver clean water to communities affected by the 2022 floods.

The Challenge

Echoes of Tragedy and Continuing Hardships

Following the devastating 2022 Pakistan flood, which impacted 33 million lives and left millions without safe water or shelter, the resilient communities in these flood-affected areas continue to face severe challenges even to this day.

When we began our efforts to assist them in 2023, even a year later, as highlighted by UN reports from March 2023, 10 million people still lacked access to safe water.

While global attention may have shifted, the hardships persist.
Many existing water wells, once a lifeline, became clogged and unusable.
Daily struggles became a stark reality for these communities.

At Amity Global Foundation, we believe that resilience knows no deadline.

Join HungerRelief today and help secure a brighter future for those in need, combating hunger for less than $2 a day.

Our Achievement

Building Lifelines of Clean Water

In response to this ongoing crisis, we launched the Pakistan Water Project aimed at initially constructing 10 water wells, with plans to expand further, in the outskirts of Karachi, where water scarcity remains acute.

With your incredible support, we successfully reached our $5000 goal that enabled us to proceed with the construction of these essential wells.

Each well represents more than just a structure; it signifies a lifeline for communities with limited water access, serving populations ranging from 500 to 5000 individuals. These wells embody hope, renewal, and a steadfast commitment to rebuilding lives in the aftermath of the 2022 monsoons.

This is a big achievement and we extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed to making this goal a reality. Thank you for being a beacon of hope in our journey towards recovery and renewal.


Local charities like ICNA Relief Canada and MYRec Centre have joined forces with Amity Global Foundation to sponsor our Palestine Water Project.

The first plant has been constructed and shipped out!

We are currently working with partners in the Jordan to assist with installation.

The plant is scheduled to arrive in Jordan by the end of July.

Stay tuned for more updates. 

Join HungerRelief today and help secure a brighter future for those in need, combating hunger for less than $2 a day.

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