100% of our donations will always go towards the cause!
100% of our donations will always go towards the cause!

Amity Global Foundation Joins Forces with ICNA Relief Canada to Foster Self-Sustaining Communities

Amity Global Foundation is excited to announce its partnership with ICNA Relief Canada, a globally recognized charity committed to humanitarian aid both locally and internationally. This collaboration represents a significant stride towards our shared mission of alleviating human suffering and building self-sustaining communities.

About ICNA Relief Canada

ICNA Relief Canada is renowned for its dedication to implementing programs that address urgent needs during times of hunger, conflict, and natural disasters. Their initiatives encompass providing access to essential services such as clean drinking water, sanitation, food supplies, education, and healthcare. Additionally, ICNA Relief Canada spearheads sustainable development projects, including the construction of hospitals, schools, and orphanages across Asia and Africa.

Join HungerRelief today and help secure a brighter future for those in need, combating hunger for less than $2 a day.

Join HungerRelief today and help secure a brighter future for those in need, combating hunger for less than $2 a day.

Aligned Vision

At Amity Global Foundation, we resonate deeply with ICNA Relief Canada’s humanitarian ethos and commitment to sustainable development. By pooling our resources and expertise, we aspire to magnify our impact and effect tangible change. Our partnership underscores a shared vision of fostering communities that are not just sustained but thrive independently.

In a testament to our dedication, the COO of Amity Global Foundation personally visited the rural areas of Pakistan to observe the ongoing projects by ICNA Relief Canada. During this visit, he witnessed firsthand the commendable work being done, including the efforts of the Read Foundation supported by ICNA. We were deeply impressed by the positive impact and the effective strategies implemented. This experience has strengthened our confidence in their capabilities and solidified our commitment to this partnership. Together, we are confident in our ability to create lasting, meaningful change for communities in need.

Empowering Self-Sustenance

A primary objective of our collaboration is the empowerment of communities towards self-sufficiency. Through strategic interventions and sustainable development initiatives, we aim to equip individuals with the tools and resources necessary to break free from the shackles of poverty and adversity. By focusing on long-term solutions, we endeavor to catalyze positive transformations that endure through generations.
To learn more about our comprehensive three-phase plan for establishing self-sustaining communities, click here.

Join HungerRelief today and help secure a brighter future for those in need, combating hunger for less than $2 a day.

Join HungerRelief today and help secure a brighter future for those in need, combating hunger for less than $2 a day.

How You Can Contribute

We invite you to join us on this transformative journey towards building self-sustaining communities and alleviating human suffering. Your support, whether through donations, volunteering, or advocacy, is instrumental in driving meaningful change. Every contribution, no matter how small, brings us closer to realizing our shared vision.

100% of your donations will directly fund these projects.

Together, We Make a Difference

The partnership between Amity Global Foundation and ICNA Relief Canada exemplifies the power of collaboration in effecting positive change. Together, we have the potential to create a world where every individual has access to the resources and opportunities they need to thrive.

Join HungerRelief today and help secure a brighter future for those in need, combating hunger for less than $2 a day.

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