AGF: Empowering Communities, Changing Lives
Amity Global Foundation is proud to announce the launch of our new website, which will serve as a trusted platform for donors…
Eid ul Adha 2024 marks another milestone in the ongoing collaboration between Amity Global Foundation and the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) Relief Canada. This partnership, which has successfully lead numerous humanitarian projects, continues to uphold its commitment to community service and impactful aid. For Eid ul Adha 2024, ICNA Relief Canada generously donated ten cows to Amity’s Qurbani program, highlighting their dedication to meaningful charitable work.
Amity Global Foundation’s Qurbani Campaign 2024 provided donors with the opportunity to choose from a range of options, including 1-6 shares and full cow options, ensuring that their contributions aligned perfectly with their intentions. This flexibility allowed everyone to partake in the blessings of Qurbani in a way that suited their personal circumstances.
Join HungerRelief today and help secure a brighter future for those in need, combating hunger for less than $2 a day.
Join HungerRelief today and help secure a brighter future for those in need, combating hunger for less than $2 a day.
Join HungerRelief today and help secure a brighter future for those in need, combating hunger for less than $2 a day.
Join HungerRelief today and help secure a brighter future for those in need, combating hunger for less than $2 a day.
Join HungerRelief today and help secure a brighter future for those in need, combating hunger for less than $2 a day.
Amity Global Foundation is proud to announce the launch of our new website, which will serve as a trusted platform for donors…
Amity Global Foundation is proud to share the overwhelming media coverage our April 2024 food distribution drive in Pakistan has received. Our efforts to support underprivileged communities have been highlighted by multiple prominent newspapers, underscoring the impact of our mission to bring relief to those in need.
As we bid farewell to Ramadan, we reflect on a month that held profound significance for us at Amity Global Foundation. This year’s Ramadan journey was particularly special, marked by a monumental event that resonated deeply with our mission and values.
Amity Global Foundation (AGF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of people around the world.
Amity supports and uplifts the people in our local communities who are overlooked. We enable community building by strategically partnering with local charities that are already doing great work and help them reach new heights.
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Amity Global Foundation is the registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency. CRA no. 771604501 RR0001 | © 2023 Amity Global Foundation. All Rights Reserved.
Amity Global Foundation is proud to announce the launch of our new website, which will serve as a trusted platform for donors…
Amity Global Foundation is proud to share the overwhelming media coverage our April 2024 food distribution drive in Pakistan has received. Our efforts to support underprivileged communities have been highlighted by multiple prominent newspapers, underscoring the impact of our mission to bring relief to those in need.
As we bid farewell to Ramadan, we reflect on a month that held profound significance for us at Amity Global Foundation. This year’s Ramadan journey was particularly special, marked by a monumental event that resonated deeply with our mission and values.
Amity Global Foundation (AGF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of people around the world.
Amity supports and uplifts the people in our local communities who are overlooked. We enable community building by strategically partnering with local charities that are already doing great work and help them reach new heights.
Site Map
Amity Global Foundation is the registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency. CRA no. 771604501 RR0001 | © 2023 Amity Global Foundation. All Rights Reserved.