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100% of our donations will always go towards the cause!

Sustaining Communities Beyond Qurbani

ICNA Relief’s Visit to Amity’s Model Village Project in Sujawal, Pakistan

In a remarkable display of solidarity and shared commitment to humanitarian efforts, ICNA Relief Canada recently visited Amity Global Foundation’s model village project in Sujawal, Pakistan. This visit was not just an opportunity to witness the progress of the village but also to observe the long-term impact of a project designed with sustainability at its core.

A Continued Impact

Beyond the 32 Days of Eid

Amity’s Qurbani campaign in Sujawal, held during Eid ul Adha, was a significant success, where 15 cows were slaughtered, 10 of which were donated by ICNA relief Canada, and the meat was meticulously distributed among the underprivileged communities.
However, Amity’s vision extends far beyond the traditional 3 days of Eid. We believe in creating lasting impact, ensuring that the benefits of our projects extend well into the future.

One of the key components of this vision was the innovative use of solar-powered freezers. After the initial distribution of 1,878 meat packages during the Qurbani campaign, the remaining meat was stored in these freezers. This preserved meat has been a lifeline for the village, providing a consistent source of nutrition for months.


Monthly Nourishment from Qurbani

During their visit, ICNA Relief representatives witnessed firsthand how the stored meat is being used. Every month, Amity prepares freshly cooked meals from the frozen meat, which are then distributed to the community. This not only ensures that the villagers have access to nutritious food throughout the year but also highlights Amity’s commitment to sustainable development.

The villagers of Sujawal have benefited immensely from this initiative. The availability of protein-rich meals has been particularly vital for vulnerable families, including expectant mothers and young children, ensuring their health and well-being long after the Qurbani season.

Collaboration for Greater Good

ICNA Relief has been a crucial partner in many of Amity’s initiatives, including the Qurbani campaign and various humanitarian projects. Their visit to Sujawal reaffirmed our shared values and the importance of collaboration in creating meaningful change.

Together, we are demonstrating that humanitarian efforts can be both immediate and sustainable. By focusing on long-term solutions, like the solar-powered freezers, we are ensuring that the communities we serve continue to receive support even after the initial event has passed.

A Model for Future Projects

The success of the Sujawal model village project serves as an inspiring example of what can be achieved when organizations like Amity and ICNA Relief work together. It is a testament to the power of planning, innovation, and a commitment to self-sustainability.

As we continue our work in Sujawal and beyond, we remain dedicated to creating projects that address the immediate needs of communities while also building a foundation for long-term development. Our partnership with ICNA Relief and other like-minded organizations will continue to drive our efforts in this direction.

Together, we are not just providing aid; we are building futures.

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